Craig wrote:Interesting read. In the end, as a consumer, it all boils down to which kids' mouths you want to feed. The manufacturer gets it's cut, no matter what. Do you give them their normal cut of the sale, or all 100%? Do you instead wait for the item to be clearanced from some online retailer that you've never met anyone from in person? Or the little guy, who is almost 100% of the time the guy that you get the information on river conditions, fly selection, and other odds and ends that a big box hundreds or thousands of miles away can't provide you when you forget it/run out of it on the river?
It all boils down to that, and while some pride themselves on being self-sufficient and not needing a fly shop, they all end up somehow IN the fly shop talking fishing and even buying a few things. We ALL need fly shops. Let's support them like crazy this year, because they need it badly, whether they are in Bishop, Kernville, Van Nuys, Montana, etc.
Agreed, I for one buy most of my fly-fishing stuff from shops when I can. Why? Well I'm a small business owner too.