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Private Stanbery's Lake

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Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Papasequoia » April 3rd, 2012, 12:01 am

I wonder just how many emails, PMs and phone calls Jon Stanbery gets when he organizes one of these trips? No, I don’t want to know, it gives me a headache just thinking about it. Thanks again for getting us all in line, Jon. Even though you sleep late and don’t know how to use a turn signal, (your finger seems to work just fine though) you do a great job at organizing these things. This was just another smooth trip (or the scotch made it seem that way).
Thursday most of us headed up north. To start off we fished the Running Man River on our way up. The fishing was just so-so. Even though the flows have come up a bit, the fish have gotten extra spooky due to the prolonged low flows. It’s probably not worth fishing here for now, until the flows increase some more.

Obi-Wan: These aren’t the fish you were looking for. There are no fish here.
Stormtrooper: These aren’t the fish we were looking for. There are no fish here.
Obi-Wan: You should fish elsewhere.
Stormtrooper: We should fish elsewhere.
Obi-Wan: Move along.
Stormtrooper: Move along… move along.

So the plan for Friday morning was to get up at 6:00. Now, for those of you who have fished with Jon Stanbery before, this is pretty late. He is famous for 4AM starts, or at least 5AM. So much so, that a couple of years ago I nicknamed him Drill Sergeant Stanbery because he made me do 50 push-ups when I didn’t get up right at 4:30. So, imagine my surprise to knock on his hotel room door at 6:30 and find him still in bed. Apparently the drill sergeant overslept. The demotion to corporal is in process.

Now if only I could erase the sight of Beachbum Bill getting out of the other bed wearing nothing but a thong all would be well, but the start of this trip is going from bad to worse quickly. Please note that Bill claims he was wearing regular underwear that rode up. All I can say is that I am drinking heavily right now to try and get rid of the image. As Kurtz would say, “The horror…the horror.”

However, it’s a weekday, so there isn’t as much of a rush as there might be on a weekend. The weather forecast is bad, which apparently is a good thing at this lake. Looking at the sky, it appears that we may get our wish. Cold, windy and cloudy to start – the perfect time to stand on a ladder in a lake.





Or to delay getting into the water by hanging out at the cars and “getting organized.”


I think Jon may have caught the first fish, and from a float tube since the flow is onshore.



Apologies in advance for those with a slow connection, but I was loving the view of the clouds, the lake and the changing look of things as the light changed. These are from early in the day, but I took plenty at sunset too, as you will see.




We were all so bundled up against the cold and wind, that it’s hard to tell sometimes just who it is in the picture, but I think these next two are Jon, Joe (Tech) and Jon again, after we had gotten blown off of one beach and moved to another that was a bit more protected.




While some continued to brave the elements, cast after cast after cast, others decided to watch and help Brad drink the scotch he had brought. Brad, Randy and Bill (l-r).


Brad apparently can’t decide whether to drink or get back in the water…


The sunset was awesome, the company was great and the whiskey was good – I didn’t even mind that I fished for 11 hours and got skunked when I could kick back with this view and catch up with old friends while sipping a smooth beverage.




Now, we started out with five guys (me, Jon, Bill and Brad and met up with Bill’s friend Curtis I think his name was). We were joined later in the day by Randy, Joe and his brother Jeff. So we didn’t all fish all day, but I think the grand total at the end of the day was three fish. It’s a good thing the friends, sunset and whiskey were good, because the catching wasn’t. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.

Since it was a weekend day, we got our start earlier (at 5 AM) and Jon actually got out of bed on time this time. While I am the one usually known as the person who would like to sleep late, please let this next picture serve as photographic proof that even I sometimes see a sunrise.


The wind is absolutely howling. It’s interesting how severe the wind can be, but a picture seems to freeze just that one moment and it doesn’t look that bad. However, in the first picture here, note the whitecaps, in the second picture someone (Randy?) is heading back to shore with head bent against the wind. Also note the ladder which got blown over – it wasn’t placed on its side. In the third picture, I got the camera ready late, but you can see the dust getting blown about so that it obscures the cars in the distance and blows out into the lake. Several times we almost got blown off of the ladders. After a few hours of this (and not a single fish) we retreat and look for a more protected cove.




Well, before we left we did decide to partake a bit. Although we had finished Brad’s scotch the day before, Randy had a bottle as well. Even though it was only 10 AM peer pressure forced me to join in and have wee sip along with these reprobates (l-r Brad, Bill, Randy and Jon). Curtis did not join us on this day and apparently Joe and Jeff were still sleeping off a drinking and gambling binge from the night before.


The new spot turned out ok for some – Bill got a nice 25” fish and I think Jon got another fish as well. There may have been others, they can chime in as a reply – I was too busy still trying to get my first fish to pay much attention.



Bill gives me his slot and a copy of the fly he caught it on. Unfortunately, the wind gives me the tangle from *. Not once, not twice, but three times I tangle my line in the wind and after just a few casts everyone is ready to move on to another beach that might be more protected. All I want is one * fish, but fine, sure, let’s go.

Oh look, isn’t that nice, Brad caught another fish at the new location. Gee, what is that, three fish now Brad? Grrrr.



It’s tough fishing for sure and I am not the only one skunked so far. We have all hooked into fish at least, and I have gotten one nice fish almost into the net before it got off, but it’s not easy to cast for eleven hours on day one with no fish and see evening approaching on day two and still no fish. I hook into another fish and lose it while trying to get it on the reel. But then finally, with shoulders and arm aching, I get one to the net. Woo hoo!


It’s a good thing too, because the weather turns nasty. The wind reaches gale force and then it starts to snow. Even in that storm, some people are still fishing, but most of us head in to drag out the ladders. With the skunk off, I am more than happy to call it a day.


Now, in all fairness, I should say upfront that Jon did not set a time to get up in the morning and said ‘let’s sleep in and I’ll call you when we get up.’ Nevertheless, this is Drill Sergeant Stanbery we are talking about here, so when Brad and I were up, showered, dressed and packed by quarter of seven (!) and found Randy up as well but still no word from Stanbery, we got worried. A knock at the door found he and Bill sleeping in again! Quarter to seven! Future Stanbery trip participants please take note! Sorry Jon, demotion to Private Stanbery is in process, in spite of the great trip.

Looking forward to seeing everyone else’s pictures and stories and I hope those of you who weren’t there enjoy the trip vicariously. I’m going to have one more glass of wine before bed to try and prevent the nightmares from coming (the horror…the horror). It was good seeing all of you and meeting a couple of new folks. Until next time! Jon
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby darrin terry » April 3rd, 2012, 12:20 am

Some awesome clouds up there Jon. Glad you finally got that fish too. Thanks. :D
How do you tie the fly to your hooks without killing them with the thread? I keep cutting them in half.
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby WanderingBlues » April 3rd, 2012, 3:27 am

Beautiful landscapes Jon. I still don't believe you were up before Stanbery. That just throws quantum physics into disarray. Whenever I see pics of folks on the ladders, it gives me new respect for what will be done to target big fish. Great narrative!
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby fflutterffly » April 3rd, 2012, 4:17 am

Ladders! I remember my trip to that lake and the big fish one can pull off the ledge. I'm thinking the new trend will be to drop the ladders in the future and turn to the spey. It still is so striking a view with pure waters and alabaster clouds. Randy... ah Randy... haven't seen him in years. So wonderful to have a look at such a scraggly bunch of happy men, knocking back in lawn chairs, with smiles that tells it all.
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby stanbery » April 3rd, 2012, 4:59 am


This one came out very nice.

Randy also has a nice post on the kern forum as well.

Glad you guys had a nice time last weekend and the fishing should get even better.

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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Rob909 » April 3rd, 2012, 6:10 am

Great report Jon. Glad you guys had a good time even with those weather conditions.

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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby RichardCullip » April 3rd, 2012, 6:39 am

Epic, definately epic. Well told as always. And to think I was bobbin' the SD Bay in my float tube and wearing out my thumb from lippin' way too many bass this weekend. The weather was a bit nicer too. ;) ;) ;)
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Artin » April 3rd, 2012, 6:47 am

Wait a minute, sleeping in on a trip! That's a yellow card....
Looks like a successful trip in my book. Water, friends, friends with fish to the net.. :mrgreen:

That wind looks brutal. But no matter, there were fish to be had.

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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby 209er » April 3rd, 2012, 7:13 am

Bill, a thong?? :shock: :lol: :lol: I'm glad I didn't see it! :o
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Justin » April 3rd, 2012, 7:29 am

Great TR guys, way to make the best out of rough conditions

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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby lucfish » April 3rd, 2012, 8:49 am

That wind looks brutal. Brian and I were going to up that way last week-end also but cancelled because of the wind and low flows. Very nice post as always Jon.
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby rkfiske » April 3rd, 2012, 9:26 am

Well written report as always Jon. Sad to hear of Stanbery's demotion but it seems well deserved :lol:

I'm bummed I wasn't able to attend but it looks like you guys had a good time! I'm a little relieved I missed out on a thonged Bill though!
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Gary C. » April 3rd, 2012, 9:38 am

Beautiful pictures and report Jon. I'm not surprised that Stanbery is slowing down in his old age. He is just starting to show his high milage is all. ;)
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Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby Eric1 » April 3rd, 2012, 9:58 am

Great post Jon. Looks like you guys had a great time. Jon waking up after 6am on a fishing trip, now that is a first. ;) ;)

Re: Private Stanbery's Lake

Postby beachbum » April 3rd, 2012, 10:47 am

We stopped at a favorite river on the way up to Pyramid. Jon proceeded to harrass the fish, and other then one nice brown, all I got was this stick that had over 30 flies and two rapalas on it :D
I am not sure I have ever fished with such dedicated guys. The wind howled, it snowed, rained, sleeted, with a sand storm raised by 50-70 mph gusts. We just kept moving to have the wind at our backs.
After one severe wind event it was breaktime.
Brad fished hard and was rewarded for his efforts. For his first visit he did well!
After losing a good fish, Jon (Papa S) finally had a solid hookup.
Jon S fished hard! He braved the wind using his float tube and hooked up!
I got a couple decent fish, but I can't wait to go back and chase the big ones! We sure had fun!
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