On the drive up I just had to stop and take in the beauty of the scenery. Man it is so weird to be higher than the clouds.

So we launched and got to it. Milt picked off a bass early on and us pretty much trolled and stripped around a bi with no luck.
There was a couple of creeks feeding in so Daren and I decided to head on to the other side of where we were and fish the inlet. And lo and behold I give you....

It was on.... fish after fish... size and quality, fish were well fed and unbelevably strong.

Here is Daren with one on, nice bendooo!

So, do you think this fish was a bit picture shy? Nice tail though...

Yet another quality fish bygood ol Daren,

Man, these fish were in their prime. Beautful fins and spotting, some were very spunky and put up an even more exceptional fight. All in all I was surprised at this spot Ihad overlooked for so long! No more!
Cool thing was that I never changed my fly, 8 hours of straight slaying and the fly falling apart. Now it has retired in my fly hall of fame located in my car on the sun visor.....
What a good day,
Thanks Milt, we had an awesome time hanging with you and fishing. We will do it again soon....
On another note, remember all those comments I made about me never seeing a DFG Warden, well yesterday I saw 2.... on different locations. We spoke to the second one for a while. Very cool guy. Good news is that they make regular trecks now into that one C&R section looking for poachers and bait dunkers... !!!

We may still be in good shape. After talking to him for that long, I have new respect for them. They WORK for every ticket they give. And let me tll you what, they LOVE what they do and that is respectible.