Jon caught me while I was on the phone. You can't imagine how great it is to be at a real house with running water, a bed waiting for me and all I have to do is put up with a grumpy old guy!
I wish I had more to offer in respect to fishing, but I've only wet a line a couple times and each was in a watershed overrun by brookies so it was just countless little dinks.
Hope is all well with you guys back at home!
Jim - the blisters don't hurt all too much but I've developed some real bad pain in the balls of my feet. I'm hoping the new insoles will help alleviate that pain. It's the one real issue I've had so far, other than that I can't complain!
"The real truth is, convincing a fish to strike is like playing string with a cat: the exact size and color of the string is probably less important than how you wiggle it. And little cats are easier to fool than big ones." - John Gierach