The type of bag you choose isn't all that important as long as it meets your needs. Costs go from mild to wild and there are some good deals to be had on close outs, etc. Make sure the bag is going to be suitable for your purpose. For example, I enjoy drift fishing so any bag that isn't completely waterproof wouldn't do in the boat as they will get wet and anything inside a non waterproof bag will also get wet. My favorite bag for the boat is a green Montana drift boat bag that I don't think is made any longer, but it has served me well for over 15 years and it still doesn't leak.
For general carrying of "stuff" a duffle bag works well especially if it has side pockets as well as end pockets. I have an old bucks bag that meets this requirement and also use a closeout eddie baeur duffle. I also use a couple of reel bags to protect the reels inside the duffles. Several different companies make these.