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Do Carp deserve more respect?

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Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby flybob » December 18th, 2008, 1:35 pm

As many of you already know, and for those of you that don't, I recently, on the relentless encouragement of my mentor, and in light of all the criticisms and banter I have expounded on all the enthusiasts, I "lowered my standards" and caught my first CARP!

See: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=831

So, the engineer in me had to do a little more investigating, as for me, the jury is still out on whether or not I will partake in such shenanigans again!
I located this article and found it to be quite informative, I decided to post it here to share with those that are ill-informed and even to those that already know better, (Dean), the lowly, ugly, toe sucking, carp just might deserve a little more respect!

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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby darrin terry » December 18th, 2008, 1:44 pm

Nice Bob. I've read that before. It's interesting info regardless of whether or not you pursue them again. Personally, I hope to read someday that you hooked into a monster carp. Got taken not just to your backing, but perhaps even get spooled as the leader snaps. It just sounds fun to me. I must start making time to chase them ghosts.
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect? Yes they do!

Postby RichardCullip » December 18th, 2008, 2:40 pm

They deserve the utmost of respect. The more you chase carp the more you will come away with the perspective that they are among the hardest freshwater fish to catch and, if hooked, the hardest pulling fish swimming in freshwater.

They are spooky which requires stealth and accurate long distance casting.

They can be picky which requires "matching the hatch" skills.

They can make long fast runs and can take you deep into your backing which requires a good smooth drag and good "big-fish fighting" skills.

Taken as a whole, it's hard to find a better fly rod target swimming in freshwater. They have my utmost respect.
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby gabe » December 18th, 2008, 4:17 pm

i love fishing for carp. it has proven very challenging sight fishing for these over sized goldfish.
nothing like stalking a huge carp while they sift through the mud on the flats. a nice gentle cast inches from there nose and wait as they pounce on the fly as it gently touches bottom and causes the slightest disturbance in the mud. or striping in a cottonwood seed fly across the current pass their line of sight as they dash to catch up with it, and see their lips protrude out and inhale it. dang i miss it. hopefully I'll get another carpin session out when the weather allows it.
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Chris Kuhn » December 18th, 2008, 5:20 pm

My only problem with fishing for carp is that if you catch one, you have to touch the ugly slimy beast. :o
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Rollincast » December 18th, 2008, 7:04 pm

CARP? Why waste your time, just tie your line to the bumper of your wifes car and have her drive off at a steady 30 mph until the rod is ripped from your hands. Saves time and you won't have to touch them. :D :D :D :D Respect? Why give them any, when they don't give the fly fisher any. ;) ;) ;) Toughest fresh water challenge out there.

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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Papasequoia » December 18th, 2008, 8:41 pm

I think we should re-name the other thread where this springs from the "December 'any fish but carp" of the Month. :roll:
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby 1mocast » December 18th, 2008, 11:50 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby stanbery » December 19th, 2008, 2:05 am


You really need to get a nice 22 to 23 inch carp and it is a blast.

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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Flyjunkie » December 19th, 2008, 7:08 am

Well BOB.. You Obviously know how I feel about Carp... I Loves Em !!!!!

I was very fortunate in my formative Years of Flyfishing (the late 70's) to spend a lot of time targeting Bluegill and Bass... And I grew to enjoy the Fun Times I had while throwing Flies at them... I learned to appreciate them for the sometimes selective attitude they had when deciding if my Fly was worth eating.... It educated me in other ways I didn't really notice until Years later And they taught me Plenty about Flyfishing... I still love targeting them (and I need to get back into them Next year as I haven't fished for them in a few years..).

I did go thru a stretch where all i wanted to target was Trout.. but even then Going after other species was Always a Blast.... My saltwater Flyfishing has grown in leaps and Bounds and I also Really enjoy that side of the Flyrodding Scene Very Much...

What the Bass & Bluegill Educated me on and I never noticed til later on is that Most Any Fish that One can get to eat a Fly will provide the Angler with Lotsa Fun and give a Nice Fight..

Carp are Great Because of all the Reasons already stated by Others in this Thread; They are Hard Fighters (rippin' you into Your Backing hard and not giving up all that easy). They can be extremely Selective about Fly Selection (Spring Creek Browns could learn a thing or two from Carp in this area). They can take Mega Subtle, to where there's hardly any movement of Your Line or indicator (again Wiley Trout should call up a carp and ask them all the Trade secrets).
They are Close By, when one can't afford a 4 day trip, a 4 hour carp session eases the Jonesin' for that Flyfishing fix...

Sure Trout are Beautiful (but you wanna know the truth??? Dorado Blow away all Trout in the beautiful Dept....) But Carp go by a different standard.. they are Handsome in a round about sorta way.. You cannot compare the 2 the same way.. It's like comparing a Bunny to a Bald Eagle... Both are good looking, but for completely different reasons.

I agree with Stanbery.. you get yourself hooked into a Big Carp and it's a Blast.. (thought the little Ones Jump alot more...) and i Know your Views will change radically.....

Oh Yeah, Carry an Old Dish rag with you when Carpin', it'll clean the Slim off easy enough (and Carp are No where near as Slimy as a Coronet-fish In Baja.. they are the Slimiest Fish I have ever caught ~We call them "Snot Snakes" :shock: )
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby rayfound » December 19th, 2008, 7:19 am

Flyjunkie wrote:But Carp go by a different standard.. they are Handsome in a round about sorta way..

You mean the ugly standard?

Flyjunkie wrote:
Oh Yeah, Carry an Old Dish rag with you when Carpin', it'll clean the Slim off easy enough (and Carp are No where near as Slimy as a Coronet-fish In Baja.. they are the Slimiest Fish I have ever caught ~We call them "Snot Snakes" :shock: )

Northern Pike are seriously slimy too. it literally drips off of them.

I'm all for the things that make Carp a great sportfish (fighting, challenge), but I'm still somewhat grossed out by them. One day I will succumb, like Bob, but it hasn't happened yet.
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Sasha » December 19th, 2008, 7:37 am

I dunno those ugly overgrown goldfish are not my cup of tea. However I honestly do not have anything against carp fishing. I just like to give people that fish for them a little crap about it (all in good fun) ;)
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Papasequoia » December 19th, 2008, 8:54 am

Flyjunkie wrote:You cannot compare the 2 the same way.. It's like comparing a Bunny to a Bald Eagle... Both are good looking, but for completely different reasons.

I would have said it's more like comparing an armadillo to a wild horse. :lol:

But I'm with Sasha, I just like poking some fun at those who target them. ;) Fishing is fishing.
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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Danny McB » December 19th, 2008, 9:01 am

Growing up spending my summers on a dock at lake Naciamento I can attest that the most fun anybody ever had fishing was when a carp was on the line of the pole that always had a hook in the water........ bass and bluegill have no chance in the pound for pound fighting ability. Although I love them gills....... theres a reason those dont grow to 15 pounds or broken rods would be the norm.

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Re: Do Carp deserve more respect?

Postby Flyjunkie » December 19th, 2008, 10:01 am

Poking Fun is Cool & I enjoy it as much as the next person..
But I've had, for lack of a better word, "Trout Snobs" basically call me a retard/Idiot/Fool for targeting Carp. They've never tried for them, But they Know what the whole experience is about... :?
(these also tend to be the Folks who whine about lack of water in the local streams, not being able to get 4-5 days off to venture to the Sierra, complain that the price of Gas is holding them back from trips to Montana,Idaho, Wyoming, etc...)

If all those "Snobs" wanna do is target Trout, all the Power to them... but do not belittle folks who have a rippin' good time Messin' with Carp...

And personally if Lotsa folks stay away from the "LACementa River" and other Carp Locals, I will have it all to myself... ;)
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