This post goes back two weekends to Oct 13th. I was too busy last weekend.
Earlier this year, I was looking for a different presentation speaker for a Southern Sierra Fly Fishers Club meeting. I’ve been hearing lots about Tenkara rods and wanted to learn more. I asked around and found out Rick Setina is the local expert. I know Rick!! I sent Rick an email and we were set for the Oct Club meeting.
2Fly was busy on Saturday, so I dove up solo early Saturday morning. I was asked to help out in a beginner class for the Fly Shop. I thought I should have been in the class. Swanee was also asked to help and I found out why. Swanee throws some of the tightest loops I’ve ever seen and he does it with ease. The class covered all the fundamentals in fly fishing: various knots, entomology (bugs), equipment, etc. We all went down to the bridge for casting. The students that Swanee helped soon become Swanee juniors, all throwing tight loops. I was amazed and it was a fun class.
I met Raider at Riverkern for lunch and we discussed his recent trip to Idaho. Nothing but big trout. But then, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Raider. Well, of all things, we decided to go fishing for the afternoon. We fish at the place where everyone first saw Suzanne Somers. I fished a dry dropper all afternoon and ended up in the double digits for the day, all fiesty natives except this one:
My first Kern Brown.
Soon, it was time for the meeting. We took care of some Club admin stuff and then I introduced Rick:
I found Rick’s presentation, fascinating. Rick displays a half a dozen Tenkara rods and I’m immediately attracted to them. It turns out Tenkara rods are like me, originating from Japan. It’s fly fishing in its simplistic form, without a reel. The length of the rods range from 11 to 14 feet, add a leader that’s a little bit longer than the rod, you get 30 to 35 feet of reach. The rods are telescoping and very lite. Rick explains the advantages of Tenkara fishing and a few disadvantages. Rick also displays his Tenkara flies, which have reverse hackle. This makes them pulsate in the water, attracting trout. Due to the length of the rods, you get long, long drag free drifts. It’s not dappling, which I originally thought. Rick offers to meet people the next morning to demo his rods. This I got to see.
I’m a little late to the Shop, but I find out where the demonstration is taking place. This reminds me of the 60’s. I find the small group:
Rick and Ants:
Sharon is upstream:
Ants states he had a few pick up of his fly and then he hooks up:
Ants lifts the Tenkara rod high and the trout dances on the water, Gangnam style.
Ants LDRs it, but it was fun to watch. I say my goodbyes to the group and head to my car. I run into Sherry on my way and find out she’s doing great. It’s good news.