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River Kern Trash problem - This may help

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River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby Barrie Mann » October 31st, 2012, 9:18 am

I’ve been following the posts from Papa Sequoia and from others concerning the trash situation on the banks of the River Kern. This is not a new situation but one that has been in existence for a long time. I applaud the individuals that are outraged enough to want to find a solution and are willing to take action. My input as a previous resident of the KRV may no longer be welcome but I believe that my experience with the local communities, as well as State and Federal agencies, may be of help. While writing letters to the people identified by Guy Jeans is a good start, I think additional strategies need to be explored. Kernville as a community and the KRV as a whole are very dependent on the tourist business and any time that tourism is threatened then the local powers to be band together to seek a solution.
I suggest that a campaign needs to be started with the media both in KRV as well as surrounding communities that touts the probable loss of tourism dollars due to the fact that tourism is down and that one of the major causal factors is the unsightly mound of trash left behind by careless and indifferent users of the recreational area. In addition the potential for disease that exists due to unsanitary conditions caused by fecal and other human waste should be a major concern to the health department of Kern County.
All of these factors will eventually destroy the tourism trade for the KRV if not addressed in a timely manner. Campgrounds will be empty, motels will need to close and restaurants and other eateries will go out of business unless action is taken. Start with the Chambers of Commerce. Send letters to the media take pictures and send them to the local TV stations and start a ruckus. Once the ball gets rolling you’ll be surprised how quickly the politicians will jump on the band wagon.
These are just some of my thoughts but I thought I’d pass them along.
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby Gary C. » October 31st, 2012, 11:37 am

I think you are headed the right direction with this one Barrie. If someone could get the local news teams to come up and do a story including footage of the trash and specially a couple different location shots of TP linning the trail I think it would go a long way.
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby RiverRat » November 1st, 2012, 7:05 am

Recently the Kern Valley Sun has had several local people write in letters expressing their dismay at the situation. My dad has lived in Wofford Heights since the eary eighties and two years ago decided that he won't drive past Kernville until the siutaion is resolved. Many in the local community are ready to take on the issue.

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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby DrCreek » November 1st, 2012, 9:27 am


For as long as I've known you, you've been considered the ambassador to the Kern by everyone. That's how I was introduced to you. I would think that title alone would put you at the top of the list of "people that know." Your assistance and thoughts on this matter are the most valuable of all, and everybody knows it. I certainly do.

As with most things in the world today, there's an accountability and a laziness problem. No one wants to be held accountable for anything and they feel they can do whatever they want, that's obvious looking at The Kern and other places like EFSG and WFSG. Surprisingly, the people that have the ability to control have FAILED miserably to hold people accountable. I don't know why that is though; afraid of retaliation, fear of being called-out for infringing on their rights, knowing that nothing will change, etc? What a joke. I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but I'm certainly well-tired of leaving some of my gear at home. I leave gear behind just because I know I'll be picking up after these idiots and taking up valuable space in my pack with their trash. Stupid.

What REALLY surprises me is that people that live there or frequent the area are FULLY AWARE of this problem - it's existed for years I believe. I'm sure it gets worse every year though. Have they made prior attempts at gettting something done - short of bird shot up the keester as they run back to LA? - although I'm not really sure wh at if anything CAN be done, or how anyone can go about obtaining TOTAL CHANGE. I mean, it's an offense to dump a mattress or couch on a freeway, but people still do it all the time. They OBVIOUSLY know it's illegal and makes them look like the pigs they are, but who's gonna stop them from doing it? No one really.

I wish there were answers that you could rely on for this mess. Getting lazy, unaccountable people to change isn't easy - infact, pretty impossible. Education doesn't work because if people wanted an education - especially an education on how NOT to be lazy pigs and slobs, they would ask for one. And I've NEVER heard of anyone "asking" to be educated.

Can't wait to hear more about this issue. Tourism will continue to fall-off if a place is left to resemble a cesspool.
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River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby silverlaker » November 1st, 2012, 9:51 am

I'm not sure I would discount education right off the bat. In fact, I would say that may be the strongest weapon. I was just old enough in the 70's to remember trash everywhere. It was common to see folks chuck soda cans out the window of their car. That ad campaign with the bald eagle and the Indian with the tear had an effect. Enforcement is a major, major issue ad well. But a good cohesive educational campaign can go a long way. Also, how about having more dumpsters or actually dumping the ones that are there?! It's almost impossible to find ones that aren't full.

I think the trash problem this year is the worst I've seen it. Then again, the population density on that river on a Saturday night may very well rival my urban neighborhood in LA!
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby WanderingBlues » November 1st, 2012, 9:55 am

I just sent an email to the Kernville Chamber of Commerce with a receipt based breakdown of what we spent up there in 2.5 days last month. Basically, I told them we would not be coming back anytime soon as a result of the degradation of the drainage. I pointed out that the ineffective management and enforcement of the resource would ultimately hurt their business members.

We'll see if the Chamber starts raising a stink. They'll hit up their County Supervisors, State, and Federal officials with a voice louder than a bunch of fly fishermen. $$$ talks, and they will be losing it.
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby DrCreek » November 1st, 2012, 10:44 am

silverlaker wrote:I'm not sure I would discount education right off the bat. In fact, I would say that may be the strongest weapon. ...That ad campaign with the bald eagle and the Indian with the tear had an effect. Enforcement is a major, major issue ad well. But a good cohesive educational campaign can go a long way.

I'm certainly not looking for a fight here - I wont even participate if it seems to start going down that road - I'm just looking to understand another point of view. But in my eyes, aren't we as a community getting somewhat tired of pretending that these idiots can be cured of their disease to litter and trash the environment?

I remember that ad, and its' message was EXCELLENT - no words were needed... But I just want to make sure I'm understanding this... You believe that (possibly) the assistance of (another) visual ad campaign may be a strong (educational) weapon for these people in the year 2012? So, we should seriously have to "remind" people (adults and kids of all ages that already definitely know better) that leaving trash anywhere other than a trash can is not good? I'm sorry, but you're a much kinder soul than I am. I guess I just look at things from a different point of view. I'm sure the cold realities of my job don't help my attitude much. People are always going to do what they want. It's all about me me me and, "you can't tell me what to do." Everyone and everything else comes in a distant second. My vote goes for TOTAL accountability via enforcement pressure; super-expensive citations and tons of community service picking up trash at the river for ALL offenders.
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby silverlaker » November 1st, 2012, 1:49 pm

No fight intended or desired Mike. I don't have much time for that either. Just a conversation. I respect your view point and can tell you are a thoughtful individual. The following is my opinion. Please do not take it as a counterpoint to what you have offered - simply another view point.

I think education is an important component to a multi pronged approach. Enforcement is absolutely key - but enforcement alone can foster a sense of "us against them" and in turn promote more problems. To the extent that the very people that are causing the problem can be solicited to help in the solution, real change can occur. Yes, all of these people should know better. However, I do think education in the form of an advertising campaign can make a difference. I think of the kids that begin giving their parents a hard time for littering (something I've seen first hand re: the 70's campaign). It is the change in belief in the younger generation that can influence the older people and lead to lasting change.

Enforcement is the other component in my opinion. How many times do you touch a hot stove before you learn? I just think that it is limited in scope re: why we should do things differently. Understanding those benefits are important if you want people to buy into doing things differently. A little bit of carrot and some hammer seem like they would have a greater impact than just one over the other. And on that note perhaps there are actual "carrots" that can be given out by the chamber of commerce, or local business.

The third element is exactly what Barrie brought up - taking it to the people who's pocket book is going to be hurt. I liked Curtis letter writing approach too (you will loose this much money)...

I'm writing this like I know how to solve the problem - which I don't. It just seems to me that, at least in the case of the Kern and Kernville, an organized, multifaceted approach has a chance to make a difference. There are enough people vested in the success of the river to have an influence. I'll write my letters and see what else I can do to help. It's encouraging to see / hear so many people fed-up with the status quo.

Thanks -

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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby WanderingBlues » November 1st, 2012, 2:16 pm

I received a response from the Chamber that indicated they are forming a committee to provide education, increased volunteer patrols, and grant funding for trash bins. They are also trying to get dialogue going with enforcent agencies.

Yada, yada, yada.... I'm guessing the people pooping along the banks, leaving trash and paraphernalia, are probably not adding much to the local coffers during their visits. The merchants need to let their elected folks know how precarious it is. Maybe Kernville exercises imminent domain over the ingress/egress areas of the river and starts charging for parking and entry.....
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby RiverRat » November 1st, 2012, 2:57 pm

The Kern's my home river. Educate with a constant presence and a big ticket book. Word travels fast among criminals when the "law" is present. Very simple start.

I would encourage many letters to the Chamber of Commerce since they have a couple movers and shakers on board who will fight for what is right. One department that deserves kudos, the Tulare County Sheriff's Dept work their butts off.

The CBD could shut the river down pretty easily by finding some rare plant or critter that human activities are affecting...just saying and hoping the someone in power reads this.

Will it be easy since every hotel in town is booked solid for nine months a year? When the stores are selling twelve pack and ice by the truckloads? When private campgrounds are packed to the max? Tourism is not down in the KRV but is headed that direction without changing the culture.

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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby DrCreek » November 1st, 2012, 3:06 pm

It sounds like the right approach for sure, Tom, and thanks for making this a healthy conversation. I guess after this many years of watching this issue consistently and rapidly grow, my belief has gone from "there's hope" to "this is a joke."

We've become too easy and too "soft" on everyone's sensibilities. We're more worried about going to court for hurting someone's feelings than we are protecting the environment and doing what's right. To me, it's sickening and I can't believe we as a society actually cater to the morons that cause these issues.

Whatever happens, I hope someone high-up on the chain takes notice and sets some rules, laws, etc on the table. Getting them enforced is another story in it's own. Good luck to The Kern !!

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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby briansII » November 1st, 2012, 3:43 pm

Email sent to the Chamber.

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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby Papasequoia » November 1st, 2012, 4:40 pm

Kernville chamber contact info. See also my post (a fine day on the Kern) for FS contact info.

11447 Kernville Road, PO Box 397, Kernville, CA 93238
1-866-Kernville . 1-760-376-2629
1-760-376-4371 FAX
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby midger » November 2nd, 2012, 6:41 am

Anything that can be done to lessen the advesrse human impact on that fishery would be great. I'll also send letters, but I'm somewhat of a sceptic in believing they'll do much good unless the communities whose livlihoods are impacted start becoming very vocal in demanding change. The rampant garbage/TP was the first thing I noticed 6-7 years ago when I first fished the Kern in that 20 mile stretch. I commented about it online, with pictures, and was told (politely) to please refrain from highlighting that problem because it could impact local business. If you want to fix the problem, you have to confront it, not hide from it.

I decided to speak with my wallet. I haven't fished the Kern since 2008, but I still think it is a beautiful river with lots of unrealized potential, but only if enforcement of laws occur and major changes are made.

I also tend to agree with Doc on the education thing. It shouldn't take much of an education for people to realize the damage they are causing by their actions. Come on, folks know that graffiti on rocks isn't legal or appreciated. * and TP all over aren't sanitary and the watershed pays the price. Garbage left laying on the ground is an eyesore. They already know what they are doing, but I guess, they just don't care.

I fish a river about the size of the Kern in Idaho. It has dispersed camping all along the 45 mile stretch I fish. The river lies 37 miles from Boise. I rarely have to pick up trash. Fortunately this river isn't being loved to death and abused. Granted, it doesn't have a population base the size of the one near Kernville, but it does see lots of campers. On any weekend day, there are 100s of people along its length. There is no attempt to educate the folks who use it every weekend, yet the area stays relatively clean. Why?
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Re: River Kern Trash problem - This may help

Postby RiverRat » November 2nd, 2012, 8:59 am

Pictures of p o o p bags left behind by a large rafting party...I was livid when taking these pictures. Dispersed camping area of course. Shouldn't rafters know better? How do I know they were rafters? Saw them camping on Saturday and went back late Sunday to fish the run after they left.





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