Generally I am either fishing in walking distance to the truck or hiking-in for a long day trip or overnight. While much of the stuff I bring is the same, the vessels vary.
always carry:
3 fly boxes (can't ever seem to cut it down to less), floatant, stats, nippers, split shot, indicators, tippet from 3x-6x, leaders, net, sunglasses, lip balm, solitaire mag light (super small), mini leathermans or a pocket knife, license, tissue, small sketch pad and lead pointer, hat, sleeves, buff, gloves, camera, water, snack.
If I can walk back to the truck, I cram it all in a patagonia waist pack or wear it: ... 8140-0-961One or two flyboxes go in my shirt pocket once I start fishing. The stats and tippet are on the same contraption, which I clip to my shirt. The nippers are on a self winding cord, attached to the other side of my shirt. The net goes over the shoulder with the handle tucked into the belt of the waist pack, staying on my back until needed. I also wear fast drying pants with zip pockets that serve as overflow.
If I am doing a long day hike, I use a ± 30 liter pack. Sometimes I throw the waist pack in if I think I can set my day pack somewhere and pick it up later. Otherwise, when I make it to the water, I keep the fly boxes in my shirt pockets - with the essentials still clipped to my shirt. The pack also allows me to switch out my hiking boots with wet wading boots or sandals when I get to the water. I always bring a snack, extra water, first aid kit, poncho, compressible jacket, and a beer or two.
It gets kinda tricky because I often bring two rod set-ups. Usually a 4 wt and a 6 wt. For the six wt set-up I usually bring an extra spool with a sink tip line. this way I can have a dry set-up, a wet set-up, and can convert to streamers pretty easily.
No lanyard for me. When hiking /fishing, I wear a whistle, have a hat with a cord, a net with a cord, and sunglasses with a cord (I've learned the hard way). I just cant imagine another thing wrapped around my neck - especially if I use the strap for the waist pack.
My favorite set-up: one fly box in each chest pocket, tippet and stats on one side of the shirt and nippers on the other. no net and only one rod set-up. I'm happiest in this scenario.
Of course I haven't fished since september so I'm sure to be forgetting something. I also tend to come around to a different set up every year or two...