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What would you do?

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What would you do?

Postby Sasha » February 4th, 2009, 10:21 pm

So I was talking with a good friend of mine today about possibly maybe if the stars align coming out to CA this year. He was telling me that it would be cool and we should hang out and maybe go fish the “O” and other places in that area. Now, had I not ever got into fly fishing I would have said sure let’s do it. However I am into fly fishing and I can’t in good conscience bring somebody (even though I have been friends with this person for a little over 27 years) to fish that area who is into keeping fish, does not care too much about C&R, and does not like to fly fish. Actually we were BS’n a while back via phone and he asked me hey you know spots up in the Sierras where should I go. I told him that the only spots I knew of were fly fishing only (which is not true) and if he wanted to fish them he would need to use a fly rod, he replied F that never mind. He also mentioned that he can’t wait to come visit me up here so he can go fish for those big browns. I told another white lie and said that that river was fly fishing only. Before you ask yes I have attempted to get him into fly fishing, however he says * that I can catch more fish with my “normal” equipment.

So is this little dilemma one of the reasons people view us (fly fisherman) as snobby? And would you have done any different if you were in my shoes?
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Re: What would you do?

Postby rayfound » February 4th, 2009, 10:25 pm

Take him, fish the stocked areas and have fun, let him keep all the stockers he wants, and don't let it get to you.

*Bishop Creek Drainage, Intake 2, Crowley, etc...

Get him stoked on the idea of hitting some Alpers.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby 1mocast » February 5th, 2009, 12:09 am

Sasha wrote:So is this little dilemma one of the reasons people view us (fly fisherman) as snobby? And would you have done any different if you were in my shoes?
Nope and Nope.
Exactly what Ray said. Go out, have a good time and follow the DFG planting trucks....Or even SARL for the triploids...

Heck, see if you can outfish him with the Flyrod... :P
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Re: What would you do?

Postby stanbery » February 5th, 2009, 2:22 am

Take him out and have a good time.
Just take him to locations that the DFG stocks on a regular bases and out fish him with a fly rod and maybe he will change his mind about Fly Fishing.

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Re: What would you do?

Postby Benny » February 5th, 2009, 6:17 am

Ha :lol: I have a buddy who is the same way. After fishing with me and he not catching jack crap, watching me catch about 30 fish and releasing them all was killing the guy :lol: He since went out and purchased a fly rod and has been trying to learn how to fly fish. I'm not teaching this sucker, 'cause he has that catch and kill (every fish) attitude and will not change his ways no matter what I try and tell him. This buddy is better left at home when it comes to C&R fly fishing. I'd rather take him on the sport boats and let him catch some macks or sand bass ;)

As far as your buddy goes, I think if you know him well enough and he will not change his ways and has the C&K attitude and does not want anything to do with a fly rod :? I'd say take him and tube one of the many lakes up in the sierra. They are stocked with tons of fish during the summer months ;)
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Re: What would you do?

Postby Eric » February 5th, 2009, 7:42 am

Why not! Just drop him off at twin lakes with a chair a beer and some power bait and then you can go catch all the fish you want on robinson creek. The important thing is to enjoy yourself.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby Flyjunkie » February 5th, 2009, 8:26 am

I have a friend Like that, she only understands C & K... Thought she does not disrespect my C & R frame of Mind...
She wants me to take her to the Kern sometime.. and I figure she can get the Stockers all she wants... But She also understands I know Places with Wild or Native Trout and in all likely hood not take her there... ( I am trying to get her going with a Fly rod.. but it's a slow process)

I'd visit with Your friend, and Maybe take him around to stocked Locations.... But I'd make certain he Understands You'll be heading off to Locations where It's best if he didn't know about them....

You do Need Quality time on Quality Waters....

I've actually flyfished at Put & take Locations with My Sister and Nephew afew times and it was alright.. actually got a Number of Alpers in front of a Number of Bait Chuckers when they were scratching... the Olive Bugger did it's magic.... all were Released as well... 8-)

NEVER take your friend to the Big Brown locations... NEVER...
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Re: What would you do?

Postby fly addict » February 5th, 2009, 8:47 am

Try this; take him on a backpack trip. Some how his rod breaks or gets lost. Offer to let him try your backup flyrod and show him how to cast and catch some fish on a dry fly. If that does not hook him on the joys of Flyfishing leave him up in the wilderness to ponder his own fate!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What would you do?

Postby Papasequoia » February 5th, 2009, 9:00 am

Honesty is the best policy. Tell him that you'd love to spend some time with him but that you'll only fish with him at stocking points along the river and won't fish with him at unstocked sections or at unstocked rivers and streams. You can reiterate how uncomfortable you are with C&K fishing. You can tell him that you like him, you like hanging out and fishing with him and all that, but that you would prefer not to be a part of a type of fishing that you don't respect or condone. He might be fine with that, you never know. Some people get off on fishing at bridge crossings all day long and catching stockers. Whatever floats your boat, right? Jon

Edit: You know, you could always fish with him for a day in a stocked section. That way you get to spend some time together. Then the next day you drop him off at the same or another stocked section and you hook up with one of us for a day catching and releasing wild fish. ;) Then, you meet up with him for dinner and beers later.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby RichardCullip » February 5th, 2009, 10:38 am

You ask, what would I do. I'm comfortable answering that question but, I'm not comfortable telling you what you should do (that's an intensely personal decision).

With that bit of background, here's what I would do:

With a long-time friend (you mentioned 27 years of friendship), I'd definitely go fishing with him. I wouldn't want to lose the friendship. I'd head off to a well-stocked portion of the Lower O and have a great day fishing with a friend. I'd use my fly rod and carefully release each and every fish I caught. He could do what ever he was comfortable with (spinners, bait, catch & keep, ...) but, once he's caught his 5th fish, I'd remind him he's done for the day.

After that, I'd keep fishing, catching and releasing and visibly and loudly proclaim my joy at catching another. It this way, I just might get him to see the light about the joys of catch & release and the effectiveness of fly fishing. If he expressed an interest in learning what I was doing, I'd hand him the fly rod (as long as he hadn't already caught & kept 5 fish) and get him in a position to drift a couple of nymphs thru the feeding zone. Let him experience the joys and effectiveness of fly fishing.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby Sasha » February 5th, 2009, 11:52 am

Thanks for the ideas guys. I will most likely (if I end up going out there) fish with him one day on the Kern or maybe Brite Lake :lol:
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Re: What would you do?

Postby darrin terry » February 5th, 2009, 11:53 am

Sasha, I have to say that I like Papa's and Richard's suggestioins here. The guy's a friend of yours. A long time friend. Not the kind of thing to throw away by being dishonest over fishing, IMO. Outside of these boards and a few FFing friends, all but one of my friends that fish are spin fishers. Most are C&K guys. I just don't take them fishing anywhere that I learn of on these boards. I rarely fish with them in fact. Not because I don't want to, rather because they simply do not fish as often as I do.

Go fish with your buddy. Enjoy the time out with a friend.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby Sasha » February 5th, 2009, 12:05 pm

Yea if it was just some butt hat I hardly knew I would not have even started the thread. However I have been friends with this guy since I was 8 and he was 9 so it is a little different.
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Re: What would you do?

Postby midger » February 5th, 2009, 8:27 pm

Do what you think is right for you and your friend.

I've got friends I've known for many years--more than 40 years with some--and I haven't fished with any of them that don't practice C and R or who are really selective about what they decide to keep. We're still friends, we just don't fish together. They fish where they can do their thing, and I fish where I can do mine. We have beers, play pool, etc., but just don't fish together. It's the same way with politics. I have friends at the opposite end of the spectrum from me. We stay friends by NOT talking politics. Really simple.

As far as taking somebody with a catch and konk mentality, they'd not be seeing those big browns, nor would I give directions to them. I also agree with others who say if you must fish go to a place that killing is legal. It's too much of a draw to kill big fish even if you aren't in an area that allows it. You wouldn't want a warden to track him down for keeping an illegal fish, eh? :lol: :lol:

Oh, and I have no objections to somebody legally catching/keeping fish. I just generally wouldn't be with them.
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