I've been wondering a lot lately about fishing stories. I remember the stuff I used to read growing up (1960's and 70's) from magazines like Field and Stream; great articles that kept you turning the page, even if there was only one or two pictures. People seem to read less these days, and what they read needs to be in short 'sound bites.' Most (me included) would put the blame on cable and satellite TV, the internet, video games, etc. When it comes to fishing, I think that internet forums in general have made people less patient to sit down and read a good story and more inclined to want fish * with as little text as possible. "Smileys" like this one tell the whole tale:
Anyways, I'm just rambling/ranting I guess. Strange how things coincide sometimes, while I have been thinking about this lately, Midcurrent featured an article on this very topic. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20090412/COLUMNISTS02/904120319 Just something to think about, I guess. For anyone that has read this far anyway.