Winston 80th Birthday Celebration
We're having a party and you're invited.
Winston 80th Anniversary is May 16 and to celebrate Winston is giving you a gift. To start with Winston will provide a Winston logo hat to anyone who test casts a RLW rod and you will also be entered into a raffle for a chance at winning a BIIX 9'#5 (a $670 value)
If you decide to order a Winston rod (green rods only) you will receive, at no charge, a RL Winston logo watch, and have your name inscribed on the rod (a $25 value).
Buy any new Winston rod and we'll pay your sales tax and give you a free Airflo line (courtesy of Rajeff Sports).
Everyone who attends will be invited to share some Winston birthday cake and coffee.
We will also have, for a special unveiling for collectors and vintage tackle enthusiasts, a pair of "mint" Lou Stoner bamboo fly rods circa 1950 with a letters of authenticity.
Stop by the shop and learn about one of the great rod brands in history.
Festivities are from 10 am to 4 pm. Call us with any questions.
(818) 785-7306