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Third Year of Drought!

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Will you still fish the local creeks in drought conditions?

Poll ended at May 18th, 2009, 12:52 pm

Yes, I don't care if the wild trout are stressed or not
No, I'll leave these already stressed fish alone
Yes, it's the only place I could fish
No votes
No, I'll find some other place to fish
I really don't care about the three year drought I'm a poacher anyways
No votes
Total votes : 14

Third Year of Drought!

Postby Benny » May 14th, 2009, 12:52 pm

Now that summer is just around the corner and the third year of drought upon us, what are everyones plans with the local creeks? I know these fish get stressed with low water conditions and to keep targeting them is just wrong. It starting to get really warm and those temps should be creeping up. It also looks like most of the snow is gone from the local mountains and the creeks will start to warm sooner than later. The algae growth will no doubt start to suck the oxygen out of the water as well. I would say it's about that time to start giving these little wild trout a break, no.... Remember that there is no drought affecting the saltwater species.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Sasha » May 14th, 2009, 1:24 pm

Well there was not an option for "Other" or "I live out of state" so that is my vote.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby darrin terry » May 14th, 2009, 1:29 pm

Well, my option is missing. The one that goes…

"I will hit the creeks hard and often. Catch as many of those beautiful little trout as I can before the water drops to unsafe levels or the temps go up to an unsafe level."

That's my option. It's what I did each of the last two years, it's what I will do this year. I will start this practice next weekend and continue every chance I get until unsafe conditions for the trout prevail.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby rayfound » May 14th, 2009, 1:33 pm


I'll hit them hard and often until it seems like it would be putting them in danger due to low oxygen levels or high temps.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Sasha » May 14th, 2009, 1:35 pm

Just wondering just how high do the water temps get in the summer on the unmentioned creeks? I know a lot of the small creeks I fish up here stay pretty cold in the summer.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby NorcalBob » May 14th, 2009, 1:48 pm

To be totally pedantic, (and to show off my background in hydrology!!! :gun: :deadhorse: ), the Eastern Sierras are technically not in a drought. The USDA classifies five levels of below average rainfall: 1) D0: abnormally dry; 2) D1: drought-moderate; 3) D2: drought-severe; 4) D3: drought-extreme; and 5) D4: drought-exceptional. As of 12 May, the Eastern Sierra's are only classified as D0. However, the Kern drainage, and San Gabriel Mountains are classed as D1. So don't believe everything Arnold tells you, especially when he's pushing for a massive water infrastructure investment. :doh:
And to go on record, I picked option: no, I'll find some other place to fish, since I rarely fish the Kern drainage or SoCal mountains.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Papasequoia » May 14th, 2009, 4:05 pm

Who's the smart butt who picked number one? Oh wait, that would be me. :rockon: Just kidding, I'm with Darrin on this one. It's only mid-May, I hear where you're coming from Benny, but I think it's a bit early to worry. On the other hand, I haven't been able to get much hands-on knowledge lately. Hope to remedy that soon.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby RichardCullip » May 14th, 2009, 5:25 pm

Don't really like the wording of the choices. I'm with Darrin and others - fish the local creeks until water levels/temperatures get to the point that the fish will be stressed and then quit fishing them until next year.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Benny » May 14th, 2009, 6:02 pm

OK when I'm saying local, I talking about the Southern California mountain creeks. That might make things a bit more clear or not :?
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Wildman » May 14th, 2009, 7:51 pm

You know, the cost of the thermometers is so low that they should be a part of the So Cal Creek denizen. Whenever I fish with Midger...he checks the water temp before we start and during our fishing. Last summer, he shared when it was time to quit fishing the creeks until Fall cooled things down again. Last year, it was around July, I think. Then it was time for lakes and the Sierras. Pretty simple matter of showing respect for the resource that provides us with so much pleasure. There is too many good places to fish other then the creeks to stress the fish when it is so warm.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby darrin terry » May 14th, 2009, 9:06 pm

Jim, I absolutely love the new signature:

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." John Wayne

The old one was good too, but this one is fantastic! :lol: :lol: :lol: Leave it to Mr. Wayne to say it, and say it plainly. ;)
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby stanbery » May 15th, 2009, 12:36 am

rayfound wrote::stupid:

I'll hit them hard and often until it seems like it would be putting them in danger due to low oxygen levels or high temps.


Darrin Terry wrote:Well, my option is missing. The one that goes…

"I will hit the creeks hard and often. Catch as many of those beautiful little trout as I can before the water drops to unsafe levels or the temps go up to an unsafe level."

That's my option. It's what I did each of the last two years, it's what I will do this year. I will start this practice next weekend and continue every chance I get until unsafe conditions for the trout prevail.

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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Papasequoia » May 15th, 2009, 6:02 am

Benny wrote:OK when I'm saying local, I talking about the Southern California mountain creeks. That might make things a bit more clear or not :?

There are no fish in the Southern California mountain creeks.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby Benny » May 15th, 2009, 8:10 am

This is quite interesting, people actually voted "Yes, I don't care if the wild trout are stressed or not" Makes me wonder about some of the guys on here :? Why would any ethical fly fisherman not care about the wild trout that bring so much joy when fly fishing for them? I hope who ever voted "Yes, I don't care if the wild trout are stressed or not" were just kidding and did it as a joke.... The bottom line, if your serious about keeping the resource intact, fly fishing for wild trout when they're stressed is not the smartest thing to be doing. Then again if you don't really care, I guess it would be tough crap for the wild trout and all the rest of the guys that find joy out of fly fishing for them.
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Re: Third Year of Drought!

Postby rayfound » May 15th, 2009, 8:31 am

Benny wrote:This is quite interesting, people actually voted "Yes, I don't care if the wild trout are stressed or not" Makes me wonder about some of the guys on here :? Why would any ethical fly fisherman not care about the wild trout that bring so much joy when fly fishing for them? I hope who ever voted "Yes, I don't care if the wild trout are stressed or not" were just kidding and did it as a joke.... The bottom line, if your serious about keeping the resource intact, fly fishing for wild trout when they're stressed is not the smartest thing to be doing. Then again if you don't really care, I guess it would be tough crap for the wild trout and all the rest of the guys that find joy out of fly fishing for them.

Benny, I just think its people who didn't like to options presented. But I also think in some cases this gets overblown. I'm personally planning on getting a thermometer for this summer's fishing, but last summer, most of the places I fish always were "* that water is cold!".

Now, I'm not saying that's every stream. And I can see how, especially some streams in the Angeles range could get dangerously warm, as many of them are often fished at quite low elevation.

For me, if I start seeing a warming trend this year, I will just move to higher elevations to find suitable water to fish, and/or fish for bluegill or something.

Obviously I'm not planning on fishing when high temps/low oxygen threaten the well being of the fishery.
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